Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 5 1/2

Feeling a bit better this afternoon. My Mom and Dad came by to visit. I am thinking I need to get back to work tomorrow and get in with the "Living" again. Too much alone time is not a good thing, emotionally or physically. We are creatures of habit and I am not one to live in isolation. I love activity around me and people laughing and chatting can only lift my spirits.

Today may just be a good day to try to eat some Brocolli. I have absolutely no taste left at least nothing tastes good. Sweet things taste bitter and even water tastes bland. Oh wait water is bland. haha. I still got it. I thought to myself that since I can't taste anything I will try all the things I have never liked and maybe gain a liking to them. But who am I kidding I will still be able to see it and I will know I am eating it. Dang this defeats the whole Idea.
Today was a good day for Chemo Brain to kick in. I sat on the floor looking at my scheduled appts and couldn't find the card that says what time my appt is on Thursday. Well the smart side of my brain tells me I can call the office and ask them what time it is. Oh no, the Chemo brain just decides to cry for 20 minutes because I can't remember. Which actually solved nothing because I still don't remember. Gotta love these fun times.

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