Saturday, September 11, 2010

Side Effects

I am not so sure the Anti-Nausea Meds are worth the trouble. I get all the great side effects and I still have nausea. I am sticking to the regimen though. This too shall pass and I want to get well. One of the pills gives me some great hot flashes and I totally look like I have been in a tanning bed for hours. Nice color not too red. It doesn't look too bad. I am getting waited on from the Fam so that is very nice. Only slept 3 hours today instead of the 5 hours I slept yesterday. Maybe I can start sleeping at night. haha. Tonight I am having Steak, Noodles, and green beans for dinner. If it ever gets cooked that is. I am told that's what I am having. Not a big Steak person but they say the protein is good for me so that is what I will eat. I am on a High Calorie, High Protein thing right now for the red cells to build up. Not that I can eat more than a few bites at a time. No Zingers, Spicy foods, Crunchy foods, or any empty calories. Which is probably a good thing. I do get to eat as much frozen yogurt or ice cream that I want. That's a good treat.
I might not lose much weight but at least I will get on a health kick. (whom I kidding) I am sure I will throw a Zinger in there somewhere.
I am so Lucky to have such great family and friends that are a huge support system. It makes me feel so much better and everyone has been so caring. Thanks to all.

1 comment:

  1. Marijuana kills the nausea. Don't ask, don't tell, I say. ;-)
