Five days count 'em woo Hooo!. I apologize in advance if this blog gets too deep but these are my feelings and they need to come out. Went to bed last night feeling pretty darn good. Got up this morning NOT so much. I don't think there is a part of my body that doesn't ache. Delayed reaction to the shot yesterday? Possibly. My teeth, my jaw all the way to the top of my head. I feel like I already ran the "Survival" Marathon so that means I don't have to run one next year right?! I am a bit worried about my head hurting that is supposed to be the early sign that the end is near for my HAIR. Yes I just said it out loud. I am so scared and I am very much on the verge of tears today. I know that once it's gone I will adjust but just not knowing when it's coming gives the most fear.
Eyebrows are easy they can be drawn on but hopefully the eyelashes don't go to. I hate false eyelashes. haha. There you go a bit of humor thrown in for good measure. I now totally understand why no one can tell you exactly what you are going to go through because they don't. Every person is individual and every medication regimen is designed just for them. I almost wish I could have just had the vommiting and fatigue and skipped all the rest but that doesn't seem to be the case. It's a small price to pay for the rest of my life with my wonderful family and friends. I wouldn't trade this experience for a different result. Because the only other result would mean I wouldn't be around. NOT an OPTION.
You're right. You not being around is not an option. I don't want you to even think about that. Got it? on to my other thought about your eyelashes. I've been told that if you don't rub your eyes/eyebrows you will have less a chance to lose them. So try and keep your hands away from your eyes during your treatment. Ok?
Love you! :)