Saturday, September 11, 2010


Here goes. My first attempt at being a computer geek.

As alot of you may or may not know back in July I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. It was a huge shock. The official name for my tumor was Infiltrated ductal Carcinoma. It was a very aggressive tumor and it has been a whirlwind and 1/2 dealing with it.
I had my Surgery on August 11th. Lucky for me it was a Lumpectomy with expanded tissue removed and only 2 lymph nodes. Because of the diagnoses and the aggression of the tumor I am plunged into Chemo therapy and Radiation. I had my first consult with the Oncologist at Utah Cancer on Thursday September 9th and found myself in the infusion room the very next day. Pretty Crazy. So I am now 1 day into Chemo. So far I haven't felt too may effects other than the Allergic Reaction to on of the Medications that causes my face to flush. Hey at least I have some color.

I am choosing to "Live" through this and Live Hard. I want to deal with it with humor and a positive attitude. To me there is no other option. I will have side effects some times bad and worse of all I will lose my hair. This seems to be my biggest fear. I don't like attention drawn to the fact that I am "Sick" and this is the most obvious sign of the illness. People look at you and just "Know".  I am trying to get used to the idea but when the day comes I know I will be crushed. However, as a planner I am prepared. I have a wig I have order eyebrow tattoos from the Cancer site and a few really cute scarves. Always the planner that's me. My Mom and I were at the wig store almost the day of my diagnosis.

There's always a light at the end of the Tunnel.
My Family and Friends have been great supporters. Hopefully this will help me feel better and get the updates out to all that are interested.

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