Thursday, October 21, 2010

3 down one to go.....................

Woo Hoo. Today went really well. They gave me preventitive medications to "Relax" my body so it didn't go on the attack. I 1/2 slept through the whole thing. It was marvelous. I was so nervous when I first got there I had almost made myself physically sick. So happy to have it over. One more treatment and I am done with this mess. Hopefully Forever (at least that's my plan). Today was a ladies last treatment and they gave her some non-alcoholic champagne and then you get to ring a huge bell and everyone claps for you. I can't wait for that day. I am sooooo ringing that bell with all the gusto I can muster. I told my big Sis about it and she is going to try to get time off and come up to be with me. That will make it even more fun. Let's get the party started.
I know I am in for a rough week but I think just knowing I am that much closer is going to help me get through it. And the best part of all is I lost 1 whole pound. I know that sounds lame but on the Steroids I am on my Dr. says some people tend to gain 2 to 3 lbs a week. YUCK! I am glad I am not one of them. One girl had gained 72 lbs. over the course of her  treatment. No Thanks. Sounds Vain I know but it's the one thing I can control by eating correctly and trying to stay active. I am going to do what I can. So I slept most of the day and now it's after 10 and I am wide awake. Betcha I am going to be up all night. Oh well No work for a few days. I can sleep in the day time.
Thanks for all the thoughts and Prayers. I know the Love and support I am getting from my friends and family are totally getting me through this. I feel for the people that don't have what I have. I am going to do what I can to Volunteer in some support groups when I am well. I want to help anyone I can like I have been helped. Never thought I would be a "Champion of the Cause" and I don't think I am. I just want to be there for someone that needs me.
Peace out! Love you all.

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