Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday Oct. 27th

Way too early and I didn't want to get up. Finally getting a "Whole" nights sleep and my Dogs decided they want to go out. Don't they know how hard it is for me to sleep? Guess not. It was nice I must say to sleep for 7 hours though. I decided not to take my Nausea pill in the afternoon yesterday. They make me sleep and then I am up most of the night. Either that or I am "sleeping" with delerium dreams. Which is probably worse. Tuesday night I was convinced I couldn't breathe and kept going to Drs to get on Oxygen. Oh let's clarify. That was all in my dream. I couldn't breath out of my nose and for some reason I couldn't open my mouth to get extra air. When I went to the Dr. they checked my levels and of course said I was breathing just fine. Weird dreams. Gotta love them Medically induced Comas.
I am getting a bit excited and hoping for the best for Friday. I want to go to work on Halloween. I love Halloween and it's so fun to see everyones Costumes. Today I am feeling like I will make it. Let's hope I don't get blind sided by anything. I am going to be "Kind of" Cleopatra. I don't know how good it will turn out but it looks really good in my brain. I am also hoping to Trick or Treat with Austin. I need Need NEED a little bit of normalcy in my life right now. As long as I don't Over do I should be O.K.

1 comment:

  1. You're an inspiration Janice. I pray for you daily, friend. God bless.
